Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Mage Society

Throughout the series, the Mage Society, is referred to quite a bit. So, I thought I'd give you the grand tour, of what I visualize the interior to look like :)

First, and most important, we have Violet's office. Quite a big scene, was featured in this very room. I can imagine them all standing before her, as she sits back in her chair, laying down their sentence.

Next up, we have the Mage Society hallway. It's such a grand place, I find this image quite fitting, especially with the red decor. We all know Violet's love of the colour red. (Comes in handy, to hide the bloodshed :) )

The next two images are of what I image the staircase would look like. I love winding staircases, and chandeliers :)

Up next, is the dinning room. I bet Violet, has given out a few death sentences over dinner. Still, it is a lovely setting.

Next we have the bathroom, guest room, and waiting area. Lovely images, although the guest room, is a little on the creepy side.

Obviously we have to add the kitchen, although I doubt Violet, has never even set foot in it. Very fancy :)

We have to show Violet's bedroom, the colour black, definitely suits her cold, and shriveled heart.

And last of all, the dungeons. Book three is featured heavily, in there, as well as other references throughout the series. 

So there is your virtual tour of the Mage Society. I hope you enjoyed it, and be thankful, you never have to visit it in reality :)

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

New character introduction

Meet Kimber. She's briefly introduced at the end of book four. I can't really give away too much about her, I'll let those of you who haven't already, catch up with the first three books in the series :) I really like her character. For starters she's not a size zero. She's proud to show off her womanly curves, and doesn't care what people think. Kimber is a mage, an extremely powerful one at that. Even Luke, is careful to hold back his sarcasm in her presence. Kimber has a special talent for tracking. She can find anyone, no matter where they are, and this is where she makes her first appearance, having been enlisted to track the boys down in the fourth installment.
Kimber is not a very social person, she's full of sarcasm, and lacking in a sense of humor. Her short temper, leaves her lacking in the friends department, but that's just how she likes it. Kimber tends to prefer her own company. She finds people to be an annoyance, she much prefers to be in the company of animals, although I'm not sure if that includes the likes of panthers and wolves :)
Definitely a good ally to have, especially with the trouble brewing at the moment. Peter, seems to hold her acquaintance somewhat, although I can't say which side she will chose, if any, at the end of it. Watch out for her in the fifth installment, I'm sure you won't be disappointed :)